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BMI Calculator



Your BMI category is


BMI score is


You have a normal body weight. Good job!
Learn more about BMI

BMI Results at a Glance


You may be underweight due to a lack of caloric intake or illness. Make sure to reach out to a medical practitioner to set up a tailored plan for you if you need help!

Normal Weight

You're doing great! Now it's all about maintaining that weight with sufficient exercise and a healthy diet.


This category indicates that you may need to make changes to your lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise. When losing weight, it is best to ask for professional help and not take extreme measures.


If falling under this category, a balanced mix of diet changes, increased exercise, and professional advice from a medical practitioner is the best first step to better health.

Source 1: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/bmi-calculator/, last accessed date: 21 January 2022

Source 2: 2019 NHMS report - Institute for Public Health (IPH), National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia. 2020. National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019: Vol. I: NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases: Risk Factors and other Health Problems